On Pittsburgh

October 29, 2018

Members of the Rutgers Community:

On Saturday, after a week of troubling events across the nation, we witnessed the brutal murder of 11 members of Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh—a horrific and cowardly act of anti-Semitic terrorism.

We share in the worldwide mourning of these innocent victims—and in grateful admiration for the heroes whose actions prevented further loss of life—and we offer support at this moment of pain and sorrow.

I want all our students, faculty, and staff to know that Rutgers is and will always be a safe place in which to practice one’s faith. Rutgers has long been committed to promoting tolerance, diversity, and inclusion. We are a community that celebrates our differences, and our vibrant student faith communities are a point of pride for our University.

There is no place on our campuses—or in our society—for anti-Semitism or acts of violence and hatred toward Muslims, Christians, Hindus, or people of any religious belief. We must always speak forcefully against such evils. Although we come from many traditions, we share a common humanity, and we must protect the right of every member of our community to worship freely and in safety.

I offer condolences from our Rutgers family to the families of those who died, to the congregation and the people of Pittsburgh, and to the Jewish community around the world. 


Robert Barchi